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defines blended learning as combining physical and virtual instruction to create
effective teaching processes. It also combines f2f teaching with ICTs through
online and offline activities. Irons and Elkington (2022) predicted that the
blended-learning model would become the the new normal in course delivery
courses. In short, the blended learning model combines the advantages of face-
to-face and virtual learning to remove time, place, and situation barriers to
improve teaching-learning processes. For this study's purpose, the researcher
defines blended learning as integrating f2f and virtual classes assisted by
internet-based apparatus.
Emancipated Learning curriculum mandates blended learning as an
integrated learning approach that combines the benefits of f2f and online
learning with the use of ICT to create effective learning where the learning
process involves students actively seeking and constructing knowledge with
various learning resources that can be accessed via the Internet (Direktorat
Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, 2020). Students in blended learning not only
acquire learning experiences when accompanied by lecturers in or out of class,
but they also gain broader learning experiences on their own. Students obtain
learning materials and learning experiences (orientation, exercises, and
feedback), excellent practices, examples, and encouragement directly from the
lecturers when studying in class. Meanwhile, when studying online, students
have control over their study time, can study anywhere, at any time, and are
not bound by the lecturer's instructional methods. Students can study
independently or connect with lecturers and peers, and they have access to