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answers indicating overall language proficiency. However, there is a
distinction when evaluating language proficiency in speaking and
writing abilities since learners must showcase their language skills
through performance evaluations involving speaking and writing tasks.
The objectivity of the assessment of learning outcomes is
significantly influenced by the quality of the instrument or the test.
Only assessments based on reliable measurement data can be used to
determine the achievement of teachers and students (Brown and
Abeywickrama (2018); Mardapi (2017)). The test developer can use
either classical response theory or modern theory, also referred to as
CTT (Classical Test Theory) and IRT (Item Respond Theory), to
evaluate the quality of multiple-choice or true-false tests in the context
of language assessments. A score of one indicates that the answer is
right, and a score of zero indicates that the answer is incorrect for the
test item. When speaking and writing ability proficiency is assessed
through a performance test, however, the situation is different. A
grading scale or rubric will be more appropriate for
assessing performance (Engelhard et al., 2018; Finch & French, 2019).
According to Knoch (2009), the rating scale is the central aspect of the
performance assessment writing and represents the "de-facto test
construct (p.14)."
The rubric functions as a pedagogical instrument teachers
employ to maintain accurate and reliable assessments of the quality of