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class. It is reflected in the value of the different power indexes with

                                       a  minimum  of  0.3.  In  the  norm-referenced  approach,  the

                                       performance standards set are relative, which means that a student’s

                                       level of performance is determined based on the relative position in

                                       the  group.  The  high  and  low  performance  of  a  student  is  very

                                       dependent on the condition of the group’s performance. In other

                                       words, the measurement standard used is the group norm.

                                                 On the other hand, a criterion-referenced method is a method

                                       of  interpreting  students’  test  results,  which  are  carried  out  to

                                       determine  the  student’s  ability  compared  to  the  criteria  made  in

                                       advance. In this method, there is no comparison with other students;

                                       instead,  the  basis  of  comparison  is  a  predetermined  standard  of

                                       performance (McMillan, 2018). The criterion-referenced approach

                                       focuses more on what students can do. What abilities have students

                                       achieved after completing a small part of an overall program? This

                                       method examines what students can do, not comparing a student

                                       with their classmates but against a specific criterion or benchmark

                                             The  evaluation  outcomes  utilizing  the  criterion-referenced

                                       methodology can be  classified as  either attained or not  attained,

                                       finished or unfinished, and successful or unsuccessful. The students

                                       who successfully meet the graduation criteria can be regarded as

                                       having  achieved  mastery  of  the  subject  matter.  At  the  same

                                       time,  those  who  do  not  pass  can  be  understood  as  lacking  the

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