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necessary grasp of the content. This information is advantageous

                                       for students in enhancing their learning process and for teachers in

                                       offering scaffolding to facilitate student learning. There has been a

                                       shift from the norm-referenced method to the criterion-referenced

                                       approach in recent decades. In the context of evaluating writing, a

                                       criterion-referenced  approach  assesses  the  quality  of  each

                                       individual  essay  based  on  predetermined  external  criteria.  These

                                       criteria  encompass  coherence,  grammatical  accuracy,  contextual

                                       appropriateness, and other relevant factors. According to Cheng and

                                       Fox  (2017)  and  Mardapi  (2017),  when  the  objective  of  the

                                       assessment is formative, the criterion reference technique is seen

                                       as more appropriate for evaluating the level of proficiency attained

                                       by students in the specific skills being targeted.

                                             Regarding  the  nature  of  language  assessment,  the

                                       development of a test to evaluate students' reading and listening

                                       abilities can be accomplished by utilizing multiple-choice or fill-in-

                                       the-gap formats. In contrast, the assessment of writing and speaking

                                       skills  is  better suited for assigning tasks  that require students  to

                                       engage  in  written  composition  or  spoken  communication.

                                       McNamara (2000) highlights the significance of utilizing scales for

                                       evaluating  task  performance,  specifically  in  assessing  writing

                                       through  implicit  and  explicit  means.  In  the  initial  phase  of

                                       assessment  planning,  it  is  crucial  to  establish  the  appropriate

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