P. 72

ideas about scoring methodologies and score analysis. There are two

                                   approaches for interpreting test results: norm-referenced and criterion-

                                   referenced.  Traditionally,  a  student's  writing  performance  was

                                   evaluated relative to the performance of others using a norm-referenced


                                   1)  A Norm-Referenced Versus A Criterion-Referenced

                                                 The norm-referenced approach involves evaluating students'

                                       achievements by comparing them to the performance of their peers

                                       within a certain group, using established norms or relative standards

                                       (Hyland, 2003; Mardapi, 2017). The norm-referenced technique is

                                       a methodology employed to ascertain an individual's relative ability

                                       in  relation  to  their  peers  within  a  given  class.  This  approach

                                       operates  under  the  assumption  that  individuals  possess  varying

                                       skills, which can be characterized by the distribution of norms. The

                                       norm-referenced approach utilizes performance standards that are

                                       relative in nature, whereby a student's performance level is decided

                                       by their place relative to the group. In the event that an individual

                                       obtains a score beyond the mean score of the group, said student

                                       will be awarded a high score, while conversely, a score below the

                                       group average will result in a lower score.

                                                 Therefore, according to Mardapi (2017), the test items should

                                       not be too difficult or too easy, with a difficulty index from 0.3 to

                                       0.8. Also, it must distinguish which students are competent in one

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