Page 435 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 435
Chapter 13: Modeling with Polygons and Patches
The Delete button (or pressing the Delete key) deletes the selected vertices. This button works for all the
subobject types.
Deleting a vertex also deletes all faces and edges connected to that vertex. For example, deleting a single (top)
vertex from a sphere that has been converted to an Editable Patch object leaves only a hemisphere. n
Click the Break button to create a separate vertex for adjoining faces that are connected by a single vertex.
Patches are all connected by vertices: Moving one vertex changes the position of all adjoining patches. The
Break button enables you to move the vertex associated with each patch independent of the others. The
button is available only in Vertex subobject mode.
Hide and Unhide All
The Hide and Unhide All buttons hide and unhide selected vertices. They can be used in any subobject mode.
To hide a subobject, select the subobject and click the Hide button. To unhide the hidden subobjects, click
the Unhide All button. Clicking the Unhide All button makes all subobjects, regardless of type, visible.
Weld Selected and Weld Target
The Weld button enables you to weld two or more vertices into one vertex. To use this feature, move the
vertices close to one another, drag an outline over them to select them, and then click the Weld button. You
can tell whether the weld was successful by looking at the number of vertices selected at the bottom of the
Selection rollout. If the weld was unsuccessful, increase the Weld Threshold specified by the spinner and
try again.
The Weld Target button lets you select a vertex and drag and drop it on top of another vertex. If the target
vertex is within the number of pixels specified by the Target value, the vertices are welded into one vertex.
To exit Weld Target mode, click the Target button again or right-click in the viewport.
Figure 13.39 shows two inverted sloping patches that have been combined. The resolution of the patch on
the right is twice that of the patch on the left. The Bind button was used to attach the center vertex to the
edge of the other patch. Notice that the seam between the two patches is smooth.
Copy and Paste Tangents
Getting the handle positions between vertices just right can be tricky, but after you get it right, the Copy
and Paste buttons in the Tangent section let you copy the handle orientation between vertices. The Paste
Length option enables you to paste the length of the handle as well.
Vertex surface properties
In Vertex subobject mode, the Surface Properties rollout that appears lets you color the object by assigning
colors to its vertices. For each vertex, you also can specify an Illumination color and an Alpha value, which
sets the transparency. You also can specify vertex colors in Patch and Element subobject modes.
You can find more information on vertex colors in Chapter 33, “Creating Baked Textures and Normal Maps.” n
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