Page 440 - Kitab3DsMax
P. 440
Part III: Modeling Basics
reduce its size. The Normal Group option extrudes all selected patches along the normal for the group, and
the Normal Local option moves each individual patch along its local normal. To exit extrude mode, click
the Extrude button again or right-click in the viewport.
One place to use this function is to add arms to the torso of a character. If you’ve created a torso model out of
patches, you can add arms by detaching a patch and extruding the area where the arms go. n
Figure 13.43 shows the key-shaped patch that has been extruded using the Extrude button.
FIGURE 13.43
The simple key-shaped patch has been extruded.
The Bevel button extrudes a patch and then lets you bevel the edges. To use this feature, select a patch,
click the Bevel button, and then drag in a viewport to the Extrusion depth and release the button. Then
drag again to specify the Outlining amount.
You can use the same options for the Bevel button as for the Extrude button described previously. In addi-
tion, the Bevel button includes Smoothing options for the bevel. Set the Start and End Smoothing options
to Smooth, Linear, or None.
Patch and element surface properties
If either the patch or element subobject mode is selected, the Surface Properties rollout appears. You can
use this rollout to control normal vectors and assign Material IDs and Smoothing Groups.
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