Page 16 - How Sophie Grumble Guts Got Her Name
P. 16
A lovely kind lady came to the shelter and was taken to Sophie’s kennel.
“Oh Sweetheart” she said. “Have you given up? I’m going to take you
home and see whether we can cheer you up a little.” “You’re not my
owner” thought Sophie. “Where’s Ethel – I want to go home with Ethel”.
The kind lady bundled Sophie up and took her out to the car. Sophie
had no idea where she was going now or what was happening in her life.
The house she was taken to was very comfortable and cosy and a
number of dogs and cats were living there along with a whole family of
people. Sophie had only ever lived in a
quiet home with one person
before and felt intimidated and
anxious about where she found
herself now. Although the people
were nice to her, she was
overwhelmed with everything and
half of her hair fell out from
being constantly anxious.
She determined that she
couldn’t let anyone know how
frightened and anxious she was
and needed them all to think she
was tough and could take care of
herself – so she grumbled at
anyone who came near her or
tried to get her to do anything
new. When she could, she’d
sneak off and hide in the
wardrobe, falling asleep under
the clothes – because she felt
safer here – without so many
people and other animals to deal