Page 21 - How Sophie Grumble Guts Got Her Name
P. 21
The Dogmother was very tired and feeling quite emotional. Over
coffee, she said to the Dogfather – “I think I’ve made a big
mistake. Sophie doesn’t want to be here, she doesn’t want to be
with the other dogs, I don’t think she’s going to be happy here
and I don’t think she’s going to fit in. We may have to send her
back”. Sophie overheard this conversation and felt very alone
and unloved. Is this my life now, she wondered? Going from one
strange, scary place to another - where nobody wants me?
She found the
wardrobe and curled
herself into a
miserable ball in the
furthest, darkest
corner. A long time
later, she heard her
name being called in
a very worried
manner, over and
over. She stayed
where she was
though, as she was
just too sad and
miserable to move.
Eventually, the calling got closer, and a torch was shone into the
corner where Sophie was hiding.
“I’ve found her”, the Dogmother yelled. She reached in and
picked Sophie up and cradled her gently in her arms. “You had us
so worried”, she said. “We thought you might have got out and
something awful might have happened to you”.