P. 128

and stay away from and leave His prohibitions. By carrying

               out Allah's commands and keeping His prohibitions away, the
               happiness  of  living  in  this  world  and  in  the  hereafter  is

               interconnected can be achieved. The happiness of the world is

               achieved by the happiness of the hereafter and conversely the
               happiness of the hereafter is achieved by the happiness of the

               world. As the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al Qasas Verse
                                                                     ٰ ٰ
                                                      ٰ ْ
                       ُ ه اللّ َنَسْحَا  ْ نِسْحَا اَيْنُّدلا َنِم  َ لَ ةر ِ خلَا راَّدلا ُ ه اللّ َكىتا غَتْبا
                                        ْ ْ
                                    َنْيِدِسفُملا  َ لَ َ ه اللّ َّنِا  ِ ض ْ رَ ْ  ْ
                                                          لَا َداَسَفلا  َ لَ َكْيَلِا
                            "And seek with what is given to you (safety) the
                     village of the hereafter, but do not forget your share in
                     this world...".(Surah 28:77)
                     In short, happiness can be interpreted as a condition in

               which there is a balance of spiritual and physical development.

                     In line with the objectives of Islamic education above, it
               can  be  concluded  that  the  purpose  of  Minang  traditional

               education is to develop human spiritual and physical growth

               in order to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter
               with a distinctive style, namely the impact of Minang customs

               on society in everyday life.
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