P. 182

3.  Order

                     In a good order there must be a moral norm, therefore
               the order contains a goal towards certain actions and can be

               accepted  by  students  as  a  method  of  achieving  educational

               goals. This method is also found in the Minang tradition which
               is described in his mamangan:

                                        Karatau madang in ulu,
                                        babuah babungo balun,

                                        single marantau first,
                                        at Paguno Balun's house. 127

               4.  Prohibition

                     Prohibition is given if an act done by the child can harm
               him. It can be realized that in domestic life, prohibition is the

               most widely used. Even though too often prohibiting results in
               the  opposite  situation  that  has  been  expected,  students  can

               ignore it. Therefore, prohibiting must be accompanied by an
               explanation and a sense of benefit for the students. In Minang

               custom, this method can also be found, forbidding a young

               couple not to be left alone together. As stated in his review:
               jan mixed with antimun jo durian (don't mix cucumber with

                  127 AA Navis, Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher, p. 109, which
           means: Keratau madang upstream, has not yet flowered, left the children first,
           at home has not been useful.
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