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faith. Adat strongly supports this method, as can be seen from

               the many stories that exist in traditional stories such as: cindua
               mato etc.

               11. The ibrah or mau'izah method

                     Ibrah is a good lesson, drawn from a story by the use of
               reason. While mau'izah is advice, advice also means warning.

               The best advice certainly comes from the most good (Allah).
               By giving advice repeatedly so that someone's heart is more

               12. Targhib and tarhib methods

                     Targhib is a promise of pleasure or enjoyment  of the

               hereafter accompanied by persuasion with the aim of obeying
               the rules (of Allah). Tarhib is a threat to sin committed with

               the aim of avoiding evil. Both rely on faith.
               13. Compliments or gifts

                     Praise  is  given  to  appreciate  an  achievement  that  has
               been achieved by students with the aim of forming a better

               will. This praise is in the form of gifts or tips, it needs to be

               distinguished from wages which are compensation or services
               that have no paedagoies value.

               14. Authority

                     Authority is a person's awareness to accept advice, not
               on the basis of coercion. In custom, this principle of authority
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