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has been integrated with religion. In the adat doctrine, it is

               stated that the egalitarian principle adopted by adat with the
               tagak  samo  high,  duduak  samo  randah,  has  a  meaning  of

               action carried out for reasons of awareness. A Muslim is only

               validly declared Islam after he consciously utters a testimony
               to accept or acknowledge that there is no God but Allah and

               Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. The word of God in
               Surah Al Baqarah verse 256 reads:

                        َكَسْمَتْسا ِ ه اللّ ِت ْ وُغاطلا  ْ نمَف يغلا دْش ُّ رلا نْيِِّدلا هاركِا  َ لَ
                                                                   َ َ
                                               َ ِِّ
                                                               ٰ ْ ْ
                                        مْيِلَع ُ ه اللّ اهَل ماصِفْنا  َ لَ ىقثولا ِةو ْ رُعلا
                                                 َ َ َ
                        "There is no compulsion in (adhering to) religion".
                        (Qur'an 2: 256)
           G.  Nature of Education
                          In chapter II it is explained that there are three types
           of education, namely formal, informal and non-formal education.
           The nature of education contained in Minang customs, there are
           only two characteristics of education, namely informal and non-
           formal.  Meanwhile,  formal  education  is  organized  by  both  the
           Indonesian and Dutch governments.
                          The victory of the liberals in the Dutch parliament

           in the early 1900s forced the Dutch colonial government to carry
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