P. 194
(his mother's house). As the following traditional
proverb describes:
balimbiang nut spikes,
swaying swaying room,
baok manurun ka saruaso,
plant syria in ureknyo,
child on the lap when guided,
ur village roasted,
grace with raso jo pareso. 135
Next :
Tenggang nagari jan binaso,
tenggararato jo adatnyo. 136
As a father and urang sumando he must
educate his biological children, and as a ninik
mamak he must also guide the sons and
daughters of his sister (nephew). The traditional
proverb says:
Baringin wood in the middle of
the field,
135 AA Navis, Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher, p. 73, which
means: Kluck the starfruit nails, swing the shells, bring them down to the
saruasa, plant betel in the veins, guide the child in the lap of the nephew, guide
the village people, be treated with taste and check.
136 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 230, which means: Don't perish
the nagari, tolerate it all with its customs.