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can be said to be active in the 16th century, with the entry of the

           Naqsabandiyah Order brought by Sheikh Burhanuddin (d. 1740 )
           from Aceh, he was a student of Sheikh Abdul Rauf Singkil.

                  It is worth reviewing how Islam entered Indonesia before

           going to Minangkabau.
                  According to Badri Yatim,

                         Evidence  of  the  founding  of  the  Samudera  Pasai
                  kingdom in the 13th century is supported by the presence

                  of  a  gravestone  made  of  granite  from  Samudera  Pasai.
                  From the tombstone it can be seen that the first king of the

                  kingdom died in the month of Ramadan in the year 696 H,

                  which  is  estimated  to  coincide  with  1297  AD.  Malik  al-
                  Shaleh, the first king, was the founder of the kingdom. It is

                  known through the tradition of Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai,
                  Hikayat  Malayu…He  converted  to  Islam  thanks  to  his

                  meeting with Sheikh Ismail, an envoy of Sharif from Mecca
                  who later gave him the title Sultan Malik al-Shaleh. The

                  tombstone was found in Gompong Samudera, the former

                  kingdom of Samudera Pasai.
                  The first area visited by Muslims directly from Arab lands

           in the first century Hijri was the coast of the island of Sumatra. In

                  45 Badri Yatim, History of Islamic Civilization, (Jakarta: Raja
           Grapindo Persadan, 1998), p. 205-206
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