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(d.  1740)  a  student  of  Sheikh  Abdur  Rauf  Singkil  Aceh  with

           teachings that smelled of Sufi.
                  Indeed, Islam that came to the homeland at that time was

           related to tarekat or mysticism. And it is undeniable that after the

           Ghazali period or after Islam was destroyed by Hulagu Khan, the
           caliphate was held by the Sufis.

                  In Minangkabau the teachings of this tarekat  developed,
           namely  with  the  establishment  of  the  Syatariyyah  congregation

           which  was  pioneered  by  Sheikh  Burhanudin,  then  the
           Naqsyabandiyah order by Sheikh Ismail Simabur and finally the

           Qadariyah order. The center of the Syatariyyah tarekat as the first

           tarekat to enter Minangkabau was centered in Ulakan Pariaman,
           and  with  this  trade  route  the  tarekat  could  expand  to  Padang

           Panjang,  Agam  district.  Meanwhile,  the  Naqsyabandiyah  sect,
           which was pioneered by Sheikh Ismail from Tanah Datar, has the

           most  followers  in  the  Fifty  cities  area,  namely  the  Taram,
           Cangking, (Agam) and Talawi areas. Both of these schools make

           the surau the basis, even to become a tarekat teacher, a student is

           required to build a surau.
                  Obedience to the teacher has become a must, because the

           belief that a teacher with a higher station than the student will be a

           stepping  stone  or  a  shortcut  in  an  effort  to  get  closer  to  Allah.
           Another way in the tarekat is to approach God through dhikr and
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