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leadership is held by a triumvirate, which in its tradition is called
"Tungku Tigo Sajarangan". Three norms that regulate people's
lives, namely customary norms, religion and philosophical values
are upheld by the community, so that the people are known as
devout religious adherents who are able to maintain their customs
well, and uphold intellectual values. For Minang people, when it is
mentioned about adat, the study must be about Islam and adat
itself, because Minang custom has been integrated with Islam.
Therefore, what is said with Minang custom today is
Minang custom since the post-war Padri (1837), because after the
war there was a theological change and the social structure of
society, namely the union of two elements of society; traditional
and religious groups (Islam). The culmination of this unification is
the fusion of two views of life, between a view of life based on
religion and a view of life based on customs. Uniquely, adat can
accept religion as a whole, because adat people have realized that
adat principles are already contained in religious teachings.
HAMKA emphasized this: “…what Minangkabau culture says is
a blend of adat with syarak or syarak that is made into custom…”
It was explained above that today's custom is a custom
which is a combination of two cultural elements, namely Minang
47 HAMKA, Islam and Minangkabau Customs, (Jakarta: Pustaka
Panjimas: 1985), p. 133