P. 85

culture and Islamic culture, where one has strengthened the other

           so that a solid unification occurs. Therefore the traditional saying

                  1.  The  custom  of  the  syarak,  the  syarak  of  the  book  of

                      Allah(Customs rely on religion, religion relies on the
                      book of Allah). Syarak comes from the book of Allah

                      (the book of Allah), the Sunnah or the hadith-fiqh. Then
                      this book of Allah is used according to custom, so that

                      what is used by custom is an interpretation of the book
                      of Allah.

                  2.  Syarak  mangato,  mamakai  custom(Syarak  said,  the

                      custom  of  wearing).  The  unification  of  adat  with
                      religion is very basic so that adat carries out what is

                      called  or  outlined  by  religion.  This  is  acceptable
                      because with the belief that custom comes from human

                      interpretation of God's creation, while religion (syarak)
                      comes directly from God. Therefore, the unification of

                      religion and custom is getting stronger.

                  3.  Traditional nan kawi, common syarak(Strong custom,
                      mandatory  syarak).  The  existence  of  adat  must  be

                      supported  by  enforcing  religious  shari'ah.  If  the

                      religious shari'ah is enforced, then the custom is carried
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