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other rituals. This has an impact on everyday life, that the followers
of the tarekat have spent most of their time worshiping rituals, so
that the life of the world which is an obligation to God they have
left, and besides that excessive respect for teachers or wasil results
in new groups. In religious life, this group is dominated by old
people who are very fanatical about their Sufism.
On the other hand, people who are not influenced by
religious beliefs are governed by leaders who adhere to customary
norms. However, in the Dutch colonial era, the legal rules were not
so clear that they applied in society, so the influence of exclusive
indigenous groups was quite dominant. The customary norms
adopted have been distorted to such an extent, such as drinking
wine, gambling, fighting cocks and mystical activities. This
practice often creates disputes and suspicions, especially with
religious people.
H. Basandi Syarak custom, Basandi Syarak Kitabullah
After the return of several Hajis from the holy land which
was started by Haji Miskin, Haji Piobang, Haji Sumanik who had
at least been influenced by the puritanical thoughts of the Wahhabi
movement, the spirit of the youth of this reformer group rose to
eradicate heresy, superstition and the like. which has been rampant
in the Minang community. The methodology of this movement is
to return to the teachings of the Qur'an and al-Hadith which are