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‡√◊ËÕß çCorruptioné ´÷ËߺŸâ‡¢’¬π‡√’¬ß¢÷Èπ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√π’È‚¥¬‡©æ“– „Àâπ—°»÷°…“‰¥âæ‘®“√≥“
The problem of corruption is as old as the worldûs history.
The Roman Empire declined and fell partly because of corruption. The
Kohmintang Regime was ousted from china mainly because of corruption.
The Ngo Dhin Dhiemûs administration collapsed because of corruption.
But never before has the problem of corruption been as serious as it is
now throughout the world, particularly in developing countries.
Everywhere one finds oneself involved in one way or another with
the problem of corruption. Just the other day a business woman told her
friends quite naturally that she had to pay 6,000 Baht to get a licence to
alter the front of her shop. Another person paid 10,000 Baht to get his son
into a certain school. It is also a known fact that tenders for constructing
public buildings and for importing equipment for public purposes are often
submitted and accepted upon the understanding that when the contract is
awarded to the tenderers they must pay such and such a sum of money
under the counter to those in authority.
„π√–À«à“ß∑’˺Ÿâ‡¢’¬π Õπ«‘™“π’ÈÕ¬Ÿà„πÀ≈—° Ÿμ√™—Èπª√‘≠≠“μ√’∑“ßπ‘μ‘»“ μ√å ‰¥â‡§¬ÕÕ°¢âÕ Õ∫
‡√’¬ß§«“¡Õ—ß°ƒ…À≈“¬‡√◊ËÕß∑’ˇ°’ˬ«°—∫°ÆÀ¡“¬ ‡™àπ çCapital Punishmenté çLaw and
Justiceé çCourts of Justiceé çThe Legal Profession in Thailandé ·≈– çThe Legal
Education in Thailandé ‡ªìπμâπ