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As to the law, it does not solve all of our problems. People can always find
some way around it, if they want to. As a matter of fact; there is nothing
wrong with the law itself. What is seriously wrong at the present time is
the enforcement of the law. One is surprised to discover from judicial
statistics that barely 200 cases of corruption are prosecuted in Thailand
each year.
To remove corruption from the country altogether, what we need,
side by side with the law and its effective enforcement, is development
of public conscience. This can be achieved through education, as a new
call of duty upon every citizen. Public conscience here may be defined as
a new social value which recognises honesty and integrity as the moral
force of society. Acting upon this value, we should see to it that the aim
in life should not simply be to earn wealth, gain power, and attain status
at any cost, but one should realise that the real worth of life consists in
endeavouring to live with honesty and integrity and in the noblest possible
way, and that a well-organized society cannot exist, unless each member
of the society accepts the full share of his responsibility. It may take years,
decades or even generations to achieve this, but let us make a start. Let us
set up an anti-corruption compaign on a nation-wide scale. Les us set
ourselves good examples against corruption. Let us prove ourselves equal
to the challenge.
In brief, corruption is a very serious problem in our society. To fight
against it we do not need revolutions, but resolutions. It should be the wish
and will of everyone that we shall neither corrupt nor shall we be corrupted,
and that through our public conscience and effective enforcement of the
law, we shall fight corruption to the bitter end.
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