Page 52 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 52

                   1.  Before starting the bath, offer a bedpan or urinal
                   2.  Find out what linen is needed.
                   3.  If ward patient, screen patient and remove unnecessary articles from the bedside table.
                   4.  Place linen on the chair in order of use and bring a bath basin with hot water.
                   5.  Remove top beddings, fold, and place over the back of the chair. If there is no chair, it
                       should be placed on the foot of the bed.
                   6.  Move the patient to the near side of the bed and remove the gown.
                   7.  Use a pillow for turning the patient if necessary, otherwise, use it for the soiled gown
                       and place it on the chair or foot of the bed between the mattress and foot of the bed.
                   8.  Wash the eyes and face of the patient before the other parts of the body
                   9.  Do not expose the patient unnecessarily. Work quickly and smoothly. Watch for signs
                       of fatigue during bath; report and chart any reddened, spots, rash, sores, or swelling.
                   10. Change water as often as necessary. Never use dirty or soap water for face.
                   11. Remember to protect the bed from dampness by placing a bath towel under each part of
                       the body during the bath. Place one hand under each part to support it while washing
                       and drying the extremities.
                   12. Using long, firm even strokes, wash from wrist to shoulder. Place the basin on a towel
                       on side of the bed & allow the patient to put hands in water, wash, take the basin away,
                       and dry thoroughly.
                   13. Bath chest, dray, and cover with a towel, then bath abdomen.
                   14. Flex knee on the far side, uncover leg and thigh and drape to protect the bed.
                   15. Wash and dry leg. Do the same for the other leg.
                   16. Get clean, warm water, and turn the patient on the side. Spread towel close to the body,
                       washback, and hips well. Rinse and dry carefully.
                   17. Rub back with alcohol and talcum powder or soapy water using the whole flat of that
                       hand and long smooth strokes. Use a circular movement over the reddened areas or
                       bone prominence. If soap is used, clean it off after rub.
                   18. Place towel under hips. Put basin and soap within easy reach of the patient.
                   19. Give him to washcloth if he can wash the genital area that he may finish his bath. If the
                       patient is unable to do so; the nurse should finish the bath by cleaning the genital area
                       of the patient.
                   20. Put on a clean gown protects the pillow or bed with a face towel and comb the patients,
                       hair, cut, and clean fingernails and toenails.
                   21. Make the bed and leave the patient comfortable.
                   22. Wash bed and bedside table and take dirty linen, bath basins, soap, and alcohol to the
                       utility room.
                   23. Wash basin well, dry, and return to the cupboard. Return other Equipment to the proper

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