Page 57 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 57
10. Report reddened area on the back
11. If there is a pressure sore (breakage of the skin) sterile dressing should be supplied
using water solution or ointment is ordered.
4.5 Oral hygiene (mouth care)
To make the moth, teeth, and gums clean
To stimulate the appetite.
1. A glass of freshwater
2. Mouth wash solution (1.3% hydrogen peroxide solution,1/2 tsp, salt, or sodium
bicarbonate to a glass of water. (250-cc)
3. Applicators (cotton-tipped)
4. Tongue depressor wrapped with a gauze bandage
5. Emesis basin
6. Towel
7. Paper bag or folded paper for waste
8. Lubrication (Liquid paraffin or mineral oil, cold cream, glycerin & lemon juice,
9. Toothbrush and toothpaste if the patient has his own (Ethiopian tooth stick may be
10. Drinking tube (straw)
11. Denture cup, if needed
1. Have all the equipment ready on the bedside table & explain the Procedure to the
2. Place the towel under the patient's chin across his chest.
3. Turn the patient's head to the side and arranged the basin at the corner of the mouth.
4. Deep applicators in mouth wash solution and clean the inside of the mouth, the tongue,
and the teeth gently and carefully.
5. Discard the swab
6. If the teeth are difficult to clean, a larger swab can be used this is done by wrapping
several turns of cotton around a tongue depressor.
7. If the tongue or lips are dry and cracked, moisten an applicator with lubricant and
gently wipe them with mineral oil, Liquid paraffin, Vaseline or any suitable cream or
mixture of lemon juice and glycerin is also good.
8. Frequent mouth care should be given to be a patient who has a fever, especially before