Page 61 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 61

                   1.  Position patient conveniently
                   2.  Wear gown and cap to protect you, if available
                   3.  Place towel and rubber sheet over the pillow
                   4.  Apply Vaseline to for head and around the edges of the hair to prevent skin reaction
                   5.  Apply D.D.T  on the head
                   6.  Wrap head with the head cover or clean scarf and leave for several hours. (12-24hrs).
                       wash hair
                   7.  Comb hair with a fine-tooth comb to remove dead lice
                   8.  Repeat treatment, as needed
                   9.  Collect used rubber and cover. Send to the laundry separately
                   10. Chart treatment, time, and observation

                        4.10 Perineal care (swab)
                       To cleanse and deodorize
                       To relieve pain, congestion, and inflammation
                       As pre-operative Procedure & post-operative Procedure for surgery of the perineal area.

                   1.  Pitcher
                   2.  Sterile forceps
                   3.  Sterile cotton balls (swabs or gauze )
                   4.  Sterile pads
                   5.  Antiseptic solution
                   6.  Warm water
                   7.  Rubber sheet and cover
                   8.  Bowl or kidney basin
                   9.  Bedpan
                   10. T-binder
                   11. Screen

                   1.  Prepare tray or trolley with the above Equipment, cover & take to the patient's room
                   2.  Explain Procedure to patient
                   3.  Assists patient to use the bedpan
                   4.  Remove soiled pad and place in bowl or kidney basin
                   5.  Move tray or trolley near the bed
                   6.  Fold the blanket to the foot of the bed
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