Page 62 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 62
7. Flex patient's knees and cover with the top sheet
8. Take the sterile cotton swabs with forceps.
9. Pour solution on the cotton and clean perineum using downward strokes (Use only one
cotton swab for each stroke).
10. Repeat cleansing the perineum pouring the solution over the genitals
11. Avoid hurting the patient with the forceps.
12. Dry perineum and the genital area thoroughly using cotton swabs.
13. Be careful with episiotomy stitches, if the patient has episiotomy observe for any signs
of infection, swelling, and discharge, etc.
14. medicated powder or solution may be applied according to the orders
15. Remove bedpan
16. Turn the patient on one side and dry the anal area
17. Place perineal pad across the perineum
18. Avoid contaminating the inner side of the pad
19. Apply T-Binder ( as needed )
20. Straighten bed a left patient comfortable
21. Remove soiled articles, clean, and return to their proper places.
22. Perineal swabbing should be done at least three times daily & each time following a
bowel movement.
6.11 Application of heat and cold
Objective: At the end of this session, the learner will be able to:
1. List purpose of applying cold and heat
2. Identify and assemble necessary equipment to apply cold and heat
3. Demonstrate how to apply cold and heat with acceptable technique
4. Demonstrate how to apply sitz bath
4.11.1. Application of heat
To relieve pain and muscle spasm
To relieve swelling, to relieve inflammation, and congestion
To relive chilling and give comfort
Hot water bottle application
Hot water bottle
Hot water in a jug
The hot water bottle cover