Page 54 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 54

                       Top shelf
                   1.  Baby bathing bowel
                   2.  Two large jars of hot and cold water
                   3.  Face and baby towels
                   4.  Tray
                   5.  Two gallipots, one with swabs and the other with boiled water to clean the eyes.
                   6.  Soap in dish, bath thermometer
                   7.  Hairbrush and comb
                   8.  Curve safety pins
                   9.  Baby oil and powder
                   10. Cotton roll on a stick to clean the ears
                   11. Alcohol Swabs in gallipots to clean the cord if it has not dried up.
                   12. Gentian Violet in a container
                   13. Eye ointment or drops if it is required.
                       Lower shelf
                   1.  Rubber apron and bath apron.
                   2.  Clothes and napkin for the baby used after bath
                   3.  Receiver or kidney dish
                   4.  Tray containing
                   5.  Rectal thermometer
                   6.  Bowel of cold water
                   7.  Receiver or kidney swab
                   8.  Pail to collect dirty clothes
                   9.  Low chair without arm

                   1.  Keep the room warm, cloth windows, and doors.
                   2.  Wash your hands
                   3.  Put on the mask, rubber apron, and bath apron on top.
                   4.  Put the baby-bathing bowel on a lower stand and fill hot and cold water together.
                   5.  Check the temperature of the water with a bath thermometer or with your elbow to
                       make sure that it is the right temperature.
                   6.  Never test the water with your hand since it could tolerate the water heater but would
                       burn the baby's skin. Moreover, don't add hot water while the baby is in the bath bowl,
                       because of the risk of scaling him/her.
                   7.  Sit on a chair near the bathing bowl
                   8.  Undress the baby upon your knees and keep it well controlled.
                   9.  Put the soiled napkins on a kidney disk and the dirty clothes in a pail.
                   10. Weep the baby with a bath towel putting the arm at the side.
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