Page 103 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 103

and footwork, as well as calisthenics to develop muscle
                memory and coordination. You will need the following:

                  Smartphone boxing timer set for 3-minute work rounds

                   and 30-second rest periods

                  A mirror, to view form and technique

                  Boxing heavy bag (optional)

                ROUND 1

                Jab, cross, left hook.
                Tips: Make sure you are turning your wrists on both the jab

                and cross to ensure you connect to the target with your
                knuckles. Lift your elbow and lock the joint to have an inner
                angle of 90 degrees as you rotate around the waist to throw
                the hook; make sure your wrist, elbow, and shoulder are

                aligned and level.

                Slip side to side.

                Tips: Make sure that your head is off the center line when
                you slip from one side to the other by bending laterally
                around the waist. Remember that when you slip in the

                direction adjacent to your rear foot, knees should point
                away from each other. When you slip in the direction
                adjacent to your lead foot, your knees should point forward.


                Tips: Start by bouncing up and down on both feet. Then
                begin to transfer your entire body weight from one foot to

                the other.
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