Page 105 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 105

and from side to side.

                ROUND 2

                Cross, left hook, cross.

                Tips: Make sure that you rotate around the waist as you
                extend your arm to throw the cross. Turn your wrist so that
                you connect on your knuckles. Lift your elbow and lock the
                joint to have an inner angle of 90 degrees. Make sure that

                the wrist, elbow, and shoulder are aligned and level when
                you throw the left hook.


                Check hook, cross to the body, left uppercut, cross,
                Tips: When you throw the check hook, make sure that you

                pivot and throw the hook simultaneously. Lower your level
                by bending your knees as you throw the cross to the body.
                Plant your rear heel into the floor as you rotate around the
                waist to throw the lead uppercut.


                Retreat and circle counter-clockwise.
                Tips: Push off the lead foot to retreat and step backward,
                creating space between you and the target. Keep your feet
                parallel as you circle counter-clockwise. Make sure that

                whenever you stop circling, you are in your ready stance.

                Slip side to side.

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