Page 116 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 116


                Step to the left and pivot on lead foot.

                Tips: Push off the rear foot. Your weight should be on your
                lead foot as you pivot.


                Last 30 seconds of round: pendulum steps (pages 23–

                ROUND 3

                Jab, slip left, cross, jab, slip right, right hook.
                Tips: Make sure to point your knees away from each other

                when slipping left. When slipping to the right, your knees
                should point forward, in the direction of your target.

                Jab, dip, cross, lead right hook.
                Tips: The aim of the dip is to rapidly lower your level to

                avoid incoming punches. Make sure that you quickly bend
                your knees to lower your level and catch your weight once
                you’re in a squat position. Then extend your knees to
                ascend and return to your neutral stance.

                Jab, dip, lead hook, cross.
                Jab, catch with left elbow, left uppercut.

                Tips: Remember that to catch, you should keep your fist by
                your chin and drop your shoulder so that your elbow lowers
                to your hip. Keep your elbow tucked in and pressed tight
                against your hip. Pivot on the rear foot as you throw the left

                Jab, catch with right elbow, right uppercut.
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