Page 119 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 119

reach on the straight punches (jab and cross) by extending
                your arms without locking your elbows.

                ROUND 6

                Cross, jab, cross, right uppercut, dip.

                Tips: Advance first as you throw each punch. Then retreat
                as you throw the same punch combination. Maintain a
                lowered level throughout the exercise.

                ROUND 7
                Pendulum steps (pages 23–26).

                Tips: Start the pendulum step exercise in one spot. For an
                added challenge, move around the available space while
                maintaining proper technique.

                ROUND 8

                Probe jab, left uppercut, cross, right uppercut.

                Tips: The probe jab is an extended jab used as a measuring
                rod to maintain distance between you and your target,
                keeping you out of striking range. Hold your extended jab
                for 1 to 2 seconds and then throw a counter left uppercut,

                cross, and right uppercut.

                CORE ROUND

                50 Hand-to-Toe Crunches (page 67).
                50 Elbow-to-Knee Crunches (page 68).

                50 Pulse Crunches (page 68).
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