Page 120 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 120


                Alternating jab, cross, right uppercut, cross, jab, left

                uppercut. Repeat this continuous punching sequence
                throughout the round.
                Tips: Break the sequence into three-punch combinations:
                first jab, cross, right uppercut; then cross, jab, left uppercut.

                Aim to combine the two combinations into one continuous
                flow of nonstop punches. Make sure that you are using your
                reach on the straight punches (jab and cross) by extending
                your arms without locking your elbows.

                ROUND 10

                Right uppercut with lead foot step back, cross with

                rear foot step to angle off.
                Tips: Throw the right uppercut as you step your lead foot
                backward, past the rear foot. Throw the cross as you pivot
                90 degrees outward on the ball of your right foot and step

                your left foot backward to reset into neutral stance.

                ROUND 11

                Jab, cross, step forward with lead uppercut, cross.
                Tips: Step forward to switch to a left foot lead as you throw
                the lead uppercut. As you throw the cross, pivot 90 degrees

                inward on the ball of your left foot and step your right foot
                forward, past your left foot, to reset into neutral stance.

                ROUND 12
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125