Page 125 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 125

angle of your elbow, use your shoulder to lever the upward
                motion on the up-jab. Retract. Lift and lock your left elbow

                at 90 degrees and rotate around the waist to throw the left

                ROUND 6

                Nonstop jab and cross.

                Tips: Start in your neutral boxing stance with your hands by
                your chin. Turn your wrists when throwing the jab and cross.
                Make sure that you are fully extending your arms without
                locking your elbows. Make sure that on the retraction of
                each punch, you are returning your hands to your chin and

                not lowering them down to your chest, which compromises
                your defense. Focus on maintaining proper punching
                technique and keeping a strong defense throughout this


                PLYOMETRIC ROUND

                Jumping Lunges (page 61): 3 sets.

                Jump Squats (page 56): 3 sets.

                ROUND 7

                Up-jab, cross, left hook to the body, left hook to the

                Tips: When throwing the left hook to the body, slip slightly
                to the left as you lower your left forearm (without pulling

                your elbow back) so that the inner angle of your elbow is
                90-degrees. Rotate around the waist to connect with the
                knuckles of your fist.
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