Page 112 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 112

Tips: Make sure that your head is off the center line when
                you slip from one side to the other by bending laterally

                around the waist. Remember that when you slip in the
                direction adjacent to your rear foot, knees should point
                away from each other. When you slip in the direction
                adjacent to your lead foot, your knees should point forward.


                Tips: Start by bouncing up and down on both feet. Make

                sure that you are transferring your entire body weight from
                one foot to the other.

                Jab, cross, right hook, left uppercut, right hook,

                Tips: Without pulling your elbow behind you, lower your
                rear forearm so the inner angle of your elbow is 45 degrees
                as you rotate around the waist to throw the rear uppercut.
                You may also alternate with the lead uppercut using the
                same mechanics.


                Tips: Make sure you take your hands with you as you level
                change; keep hands level with your chin.

                Slip side to side.

                Tips: Bend laterally around the waist from one side to the
                other as you keep your hands by your chin.

                Pivot 90 degrees.
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