Page 22 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 22


     This scheme is a bona fide contribution from PPZ-MAIWP
     to the Benefactor of the PPZ-MAIWP Zakat Payer in the
     event of death and subject to the set terms and conditions.


     Individual     Have a payment record of ZAKAT ON PROPERTY
     Eligibility    (except Zakat on Self/Fitrah) in PPZ-MAIWP on
     (Zakat Payer)  the year of death OR a year prior to the year of
                    death. Zakat payment made as  of year 2019 is
                    eligible for this scheme.
                    A.  Zakat amount paid =   RM100         - year 2019
                      Died                                               - year 2019
                      Eligible for the scheme as the deceased has
                      made zakat payment in 2019.
                    B.  Zakat amount paid =   RM100         - year 2019
                      No zakat paid                                 - year 2020
                      Died                                           - year 2020
                      Eligible for the scheme as the deceased has
                      made zakat payment in 2019.

                    C.  Zakat amount paid =   RM100    - year 2019
                      No zakat paid                            - year 2020 & 2021
                      Died                                          - year 2021
                      Not eligible for the scheme as the deceased did
                      not pay any zakat in 2020 & 2021
     Minimum Zakat  RM50.00 per year
                    This application is deemed valid when the Death
     Application    Date Falls on the 30th day from the date of the
     Validity Date  zakat is paid unless incidences of Sudden Death
                    such as heart attack or accidents.

     Application    6 months from the date of death
     Validity Period

     Application    1. Any one of the DECEASED’S NEXT OF KIN:
     Criteria          i.   Spouse
                       ii.  Children/Adopted Children (registered)
                      iii.  Parents
                      iv.  Siblings
                    2. Other than the Next of Kin above will be
                        considered as THIRD-PARTY APPLICANT.

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