Page 190 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 190
Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur
]7[ If a person drinks a little bit and then drinks a little bit more, if there is less
than the length of time it takes to drink a revi’is between them, the two combine
and he is liable. If not, they don’t combine. Some say that the amount of time
between drinks is the same as with food [and that they combine] in k’dei achilas
p’ras. 18
]8[ It is permitted to touch food and drink in order to give it to children and
we are not concerned that he might eat or drink, because he is cognizant of the
seriousness of the day. 19
]9[ It is forbidden to bathe in both hot or cold water. It is even forbidden to
stick one’s finger into water. If his hands or feet or the rest of his body are dirty
with mud or excrement or if his nose is bleeding, he may wash them, because
only enjoyable bathing is forbidden. Nevertheless, one should be careful to only
wash the dirty areas. 20
]10[ However, one may wash his hands in the morning and he recites [the
beracha] of al netilas yadayim. Yet, he shouldn’t intend to do so for enjoyment
םדו רשב
18. The Tosefta (Yoma 4:4) says that two time span for drinking is the same as it is for
sips can only combine together for liability if a eating - k’dai achilas p’ras. This is relevant in
shiur is consumed within the length of time it many other areas of halacha as well (such as
takes to drink a revi’is, which is considerably determining if one is obligated to recite a
shorter than k’dai achilas p’ras. The Rambam beracha achrona) and many poskim (Gra, Pri
codifies this as halacha and although he cites Chadash, Aruch Hashulchan) rule in
both opinions, the Shulchan Aruch also rules accordance with this view. Practically speaking,
accordingly. However, not all agree; the even those who are generally machmir when it
gemara (Kerisus 13a) tells us that one who comes to reciting a beracha achrona, rule
drinks liquids which are tamei becomes tamei, otherwise when it comes to giving a sick
provided he drinks a shiur within a span of person water to drink on Yom Kippur, where
kdai achilas p’ras. Based on this, many he should wait k’dai achilas p’ras between sips,
rishonim (Ran, Rashi, Tosfos) contend that the if possible.