Page 203 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 203
םדא םירופכה םוי ןיד - ה “ מק ללכ ייח
44 : ם ָּד ָּא לָּכ ְּכ תֹוּנַע ְּת ִמ תֹוקיִנ ְּמּו תֹורָּּבע ֻ ]הכ[
אי ִה ,הָּו ַא ְּת ִּמ ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַמ ּהָּל ןיִנ ְּתֹונ ןי ֵא ם ִא ֶ ׁש ַעּודָּי ְּו לָּכֲא ַמ ה ָּחי ִר ֵה ֶ ׁש ה ָּרָּּבע ֻ ]וכ[
לָּל ְּכ םיִנ ַּת ְּ ׁש ִמ ָּהיֶנָּ ּפ ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ף ַא יִנֲא הָּכי ִר ְּצ ה ָּר ְּמ ָּא ם ִא ןֵכָּל 41 ,םיִנָּּכ ֻס ְּמ ּה ָּדָּל ְּוּו
ּהָּנְּז ָּא ְּב ּהָּל ןי ִ ׁשֲחֹול 46 ,םּול ְּכ ה ָּר ְּמ ָּא אּ ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ף ַא םיִנ ַּת ְּ ׁש ִמ ָּהיֶנָּ ּפ ֶ ׁש ןי ִאֹור ֶ ׁש ֹוא
ּה ָּּת ְּע ַד ה ָּר ְּר ָּק ְּתִנ אל םאו ִ ְּ 47 .הֶזָּּב ּה ָּּת ְּע ַד תֶב ֶ ּ ׁשַי ְּת ִמ םי ִמָּע ְּפִּ ל ֶ ׁש ,אּוה םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוּי ֶ ׁש
ןיִנ ְּתֹונ ְּו ב ֶטר ְּב ףַּכ ֹוא עַּב ְּצ ֶא ןיִל ְּבֹוט הָּּ ל ִח ְּת ִּמ ֶ ׁש ,ןָּיְּנ ִע ָּה הֶז ְּב ּה ָּתֹוא ןיִלי ִכֲא ַמ ,הֶזָּּב
ב ֶטר ּהָּל ןיִנ ְּתֹונ ,ואָּל ם ִא ְּו , ּה ָּּת ְּע ַד תֶב ֶ ּ ׁשַי ְּת ִמ ת ַח ַא הָּ ּפ ִט ְּב םי ִמָּע ְּפִּ ל ֶ ׁש , ָּהי ִּפ ךֹותְּל
48 :הֶלֹוח ְּב ט"כ ן ָּמי ִס ן ָּּמ ַקְּל ִד ְּכ רּוע ִּ ׁשַּכ ִמ תֹוחָּ ּפ ֹומ ְּצַע
םדו רשב
Hadeshen rules leniently and the Rema writes both. (See Beis Yosef.)
that one may rely on this for a child who is
weak. See also Magen Avraham and Bach who 46. Either the fact that she turned pale, or
write that most children today are considered that she expresses the desire and need to eat,
weak on account of their Torah studies. See indicates that she smelled the food and was
however the Shulchan Aruch HaRav who adversely affected by it (Magen Avraham).
writes that the main accepted approach is that
they should fast, and the prevalent custom 47. One Yom Kippur, a pregnant woman
seems to be in line with this. smelled food and appeared to be in danger.
Rebbi advised that they whisper a reminder to
44. Pesachim 54b. Even if the fast is
difficult for her. If however doctors determine her that it is Yom Kippur. They did and her
that fasting is dangerous for her or the fetus, desire for the food was subdued, and the baby
or if she has a history of miscarriages caused grew up to be R’ Yochanan (Yoma 82b. See
by fasting, there is room for leniency and a Meiri that included in this whisper is a promise
competent rav should be consulted. Similarly, that if she overcomes her desire to eat, the
if a nursing mother’s supply of milk will dry up baby will grow up with great yiras shomayim).
and the baby won’t have enough to eat, a rav
should be consulted. 48. However, a sick person is fed based
on the advice of doctors, beginning with less
45. Mishna (Yoma 82a). In theory, danger than a shiur, first; only a pregnant woman is
to her fetus alone is sufficient cause to be first given a small drop of gravy as this might
lenient, although practically, the danger is to be sufficient to settle her mind.