Page 202 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 202
Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur
]25[ Women who are pregnant or nursing fast on Yom Kippur just like anyone
else. 44
]26[ A pregnant woman who smells food [and desires it] and it is clear that if
we don’t give her what she desires, both she and her baby will be in danger [we
feed her]. Therefore, if she says she needs it, even if her face doesn’t look pale,
or if we see that she turned pale, even if she doesn’t ask for anything, we first
whisper in her ear and remind her that it is Yom Kippur, as sometimes, this will
suffice to settle her. If she still isn’t settled, we feed her by first dipping a finger
or spoon in the sauce and putting it in her mouth as sometimes a small drop is
enough to settle her. If this is not sufficient, we first give her a small amount of
gravy measuring less than the shiur, as [will be explained] below, regarding the
sick. 48
םדו רשב
any other fast. In Shulchan Aruch, these should fast. The Rambam however disagrees
halachos appear in hilchos Yom Kippur and we and writes that the only difference between a
have therefore included our synopsis of the boy and girl is that a twelve year old girl must
subject here. fast by Torah law, whereas fasting for a twelve
The mishna (Yoma 82a) teaches that year old boy is only a rabbinic obligation (but
although children don’t have to fast on Yom her first fast is when she is 11). The Shulchan
Kippur, one should train them a year or two Aruch rules in accordance with the Rambam.
before. Although if one must train his son to There is however another opinion in the
fast two years before his bar mitzva, then gemara: R’ Yochanan maintains that Chazal
certainly he must do so the year before, Rav never mandated that a child should fast, and
Chisda qualifies that a weak child need not the mishna that instructs us to train our
fast until the year before his bar mitzva but a children for a year or two (depending on
healthier one should begin two years relative health and strength) means that one
before. Although a child younger than this should feed his son later than usual when he is
does not fast, the gemara teaches that one eleven and twelve years old, and his daughter,
should begin to train children from the age of when she is ten and eleven. Although many
nine by serving them their meals later. rishonim (Rif, Rambam) rule like Rav Chisda
According to the Tur, a girl is trained a year who requires a twelve year old boy to fast,
earlier in that one should feed his eight year others (Tosfos, Ran, and others) write that the
old daughter later, and when she is ten, she halacha follows R’ Yochanan. The Terumas