Page 204 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 204
Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur
]27[ A woman within three days of giving birth does not fast at all. Even if she
says she doesn’t need it, we force her to eat, and tell her that about this [case, the
posuk] says “don’t be too righteous”. Nevertheless, we should then feed her less
than a shiur as we do with [an ordinary] sick person. If she is between three and
seven days after birth, if she says she needs to eat, we feed her. After this, she is
like any other person. These days are not calculated as twenty-four days and if
she gave birth on the seventh of Tishrei before sunset, we don’t calculate it from
the hour she gave birth which would mean that Yom Kippur is within the three
days. Nevertheless, we don’t feed her unless she says she needs it as we
calculate the days on the calendar and if she gave birth on the seventh of Tishrei
[just] before sunset, that is counted as the first day and if so erev Yom Kippur is
the third day and Yom Kippur is after the third day. All of this however is [as
recovery] for birth pains. However if she is ill, she is like any other sick
person. When it comes to a woman after birth, there is no need to consult a
doctor, but other knowledgeable and trustworthy women are believed to say
what she needs. 55
םדו רשב
49. Or before, once she is in very active if she says she needs us to do so, and after the
labor (Ma’amar Mordechai, Mishna Berura). first week, we permit asking a non-Jew to do
melacha for her. The Ramban (Toras ha’Adam)
50. Koheles 7:16 and most rishonim understand that the
halacha is similar regarding eating on Yom
51. Magen Avraham and the ruling of the Kippur and this is the ruling of Shulchan Aruch.
Mishna Berura. See however Elya Rabba who
isn’t so sure. 53. Meaning not 72 hours (or seven full
days equaling 168 hours) and if she gave birth
52. Regarding desecrating Shabbos for on the seventh of Tishrei in the afternoon, her
the needs of a woman after childbirth, the three days end at the onset of Yom Kippur
gemara (Shabbos 129a) says that within the although it might only be 49 hours later. The
first three days after birth, we desecrate Terumas Hadeshen proves this based on the
Shabbos even if she insists that she does need following: The gemara (Eiruvin 68a) deals with
help. Between three and seven days after the case of baby whose bris was supposed to
birth, we only do melacha on Shabbos for her be on Shabbos, but the hot water they had