Page 206 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 206

Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur

              ]28[   Any person who smells food and turns pale is in danger if he doesn’t taste
              the food and we feed him.  If however he didn’t turn pale, it is forbidden to feed
              him even if he says he needs to eat. 57

              ]29[   An ill person, even if there is no danger to his life right now, but he says he
              needs to eat [may eat], because if he doesn’t eat the illness will grow stronger and
              he will be in danger.   Even if the doctors say he doesn’t need [to eat we listen to
              the sick person and feed him, because a person’s heart knows his own pain, [and
              this  is  true]  even  if  the  doctors  say  that  this  food  will  be  detrimental  to  his
              health.   If the patient says he doesn’t need [to eat] but there is an expert doctor,

                                                        םדו רשב

              56.    Chayei Adam’s note: At least, when    might imply  that we are only dealing with an
              a person smells food he should be careful to   ill  person  whose  life  is  in  imminent  danger,
              spit  out  his  saliva  and  not  swallow  it   most  rishonim  (Rosh,  Rambam,  Tosfos)
              because  that  can  lead  to  danger  as  is  in   understand that one should feed an ill person
              Kesubov 61b.                                 if doctors say that fasting will make him sicker.
                     The gemara tells of a Roman man who
              wanted to marry a certain [Jewish] woman and   59.   Chayei  Adam’s  note:  Even  though,
              he  cut  open  delicious  looking  pomegranates   above K’lal 68, siman 7, I wrote that if the
              in front of her and wouldn’t give her a piece.   doctor says that it will harm the patient, we
              Saliva built up in her mouth and she became   listen  to  the  doctor,  and  the  Magen
              pale.  When  she  agreed  to  marry  him,  he   Avraham  (328:6)  brings  that  this  is
              repeated the process, but this time instructing   regarding  other  medical  matters  where  it
              her to spit out the saliva and she was cured.   isn't possible to say that the patient knows
                                                           his pain best and if so why should you rely
              57.    Magen Avraham, Elya Rabba, Shulchan   on  the  patient  over  the  doctor  and  even
              Aruch HaRav. See however Mishna Berura who   during  the  week  we  rely  on  the  doctor.
              writes that the Yeshuos Yaakov  is unsure, and   However, regarding eating, it is possible to
              that the Chasam Sofer rules that although one   say  that  the  patient  knows  in  his  heart
              may  not  feed  him  just  because  he  asks,  the   what  is  best  for  him  and  we  completely
              person himself may take the food and eat it if   ignore the doctor’s words that the food will
              he  feels  endangered,  despite  the  fact  that   harm  him.    Even  with  other  treatments,
              there was no change in his complexion.       when  the  patient  says  he  needs  such  and
                                                           such  a  medication  and  the  doctor  says  he
              58.    Although  one  girsah  of  the  gemara   doesn’t but it won’t hurt him, and certainly

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