Page 205 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 205
םדא םירופכה םוי ןיד - ה “ מק ללכ ייח
ןיִלי ִכֲא ַמ ,ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ה ָּר ְּמ ָּא ּו ּ ל ִפא ֲ 49 .לָּל ְּכ הֶּנַע ְּת ִת אל םי ִמָּי 'ג ךֹו ּת ת ֶדֶלֹוי ]זכ[
."הֵּב ְּר ַה ק ַד ְּצ ִת ל ַא" ]זט,ז תלהק[ ר ַמֱאֶנ הֶז לַע ְּו ,יִל ְּכ ִא ּהָּל ןי ִר ְּמֹוא ְּו ּה ָּח ְּרָּּכ לַע ְּב ּה ָּתֹוא
םא ִ 12 ,'ז ד ַע 'ּג ִמ .הֶלֹוח ְּב בּותָּּכ ֶ ׁש ֹומכ ְּּ 11 רּוע ִּ ׁשַּכ ִמ תֹוחָּ ּפ ּהָּלי ִכֲא ַהְּל ׁשֵי םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו
ּו ּ ל ֵא םי ִמָּי ְּו .ם ָּד ָּא לָּכ ְּכ אי ִה י ֵרֲה ,ךָּלי ֵא ְּו ןאָּּכ ִמ . ּה ָּתֹוא ןיִלי ִכֲא ַמ ,יִנֲא הָּכי ִר ְּצ ה ָּר ְּמ ָּא
ןַני ִב ְּ ׁש ָּח אל ,הָּלְּיַּ ל ַה ם ֶדֹק י ֵר ְּ ׁש ִת ְּב 'ז ְּב ה ָּדְּלָּי ם ִא ֶ ׁש ,ן ֶהָּּב ת ֵעְּל ת ֵע ֵמ ןי ִב ְּ ׁשֹוח ןָּני ֵא
ןיִלי ִכֲא ַמ ןי ֵא י ִכ ָּה ּו ּ ל ִפֲא 13 ,'ג ת ֵעְּל ת ֵע ֵמ אּוה םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ת ֵעְּל ת ֵע ֵמ
ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו ,םי ִמָּּי ַה ר ֶד ֵס י ִפְּל םֹויָּו םֹוי לָּּכ ןַני ִב ְּ ׁש ָּח ְּד ,יִנֲא הָּכי ִר ְּצ ה ָּר ְּמ ָּא אל ם ִא ּה ָּתֹוא
םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ב ֶר ֶע ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו 'א םֹויְּל ֹותֹוא ןי ִב ְּ ׁשֹוח ,ב ֶר ֶע ָּה ם ֶדֹק י ֵר ְּ ׁש ִת ְּב 'ז ְּב דַלֹונ
ם ִא לָּבא ֲ 14 .ה ָּדֵל ר ַעַצ ת ַמֲח ֵמ ּונְּי ַה הֶז לָּכ ְּו .'ג ר ַח ַאְּל אּוה םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ְּו 'ג םֹוי אּוה
אָּּ ל ֶא ,אֵפֹורְּל לֹא ְּ ׁשִל ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ת ֶדֶלֹוי ְּבּו .הֶלֹוח ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ִכ י ֵר ְּמַגְּל ּהָּני ִד ,הָּלֹוח אי ִה
11 :ךָּכְּל הָּכי ִר ְּּצ ֶ ׁש תֹור ְּמֹוא ם ִא תֹונ ָּמֱאֶנ תֹואי ִק ְּב ַה תֹור ֵחֲא םי ִ ׁשָּנ
םדו רשב
prepared to wash him with spilled. The gemara (Gra, Elya Rabba, Yeshuos Yaakov), and
suggests that they should warm up water for understand that the three or seven days are
the mother who is after birth. Tosfos (Gittin 8b) full twenty-four periods, and that since fasting
understands that the suggestion is to request on Yom Kippur might endanger her life, one
a non-Jew to heat water for the mother, since should be lenient. It is however, better to feed
she is considered ill for the first thirty days her less than one shiur at a time (as below.
after birth, and proves that one cannot ask a Shaar Hatziyun. The Aruch Hashulchan and
non-Jew to do melacha for the sake of a Shulchan Aruch HaRav however, are machmir.)
mitzva. It is clear then, that Tosfos understands
that the mother’s seven days end at the end of 54. For a normal birth without
Shabbos and not after 168 hours; otherwise, it complications. If she experienced
is possible for the bris to take place on the complications or if the baby was delivered by
eighth day, despite the fact that the mother is Caesarian section, she has the status of a sick
less than seven full days after birth. Although person recovering from surgery and is not
some disagree and understand that the three subject to the ordinary schedule of guidelines
and seven days are twenty-four hour periods, for a woman after childbirth (poskim).
the Terumas Hadeshen rules in following with
Tosfos and this is also the ruling of Shulchan 55. As is the halacha regarding doing
Aruch. See however the Mishna Berura who melacha for her on Shabbos; the opinion of
cites a number of acharonim who disagree other women is sufficient expertise.