Page 33 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 33

םדא               הנשה שאר תליפתו  הנשה שאר ליל ןיד  -     ט"לק ללכ       ייח

               ׁשארְּל הֶי ְּהִנ ֶ ׁש ןֹוצ ָּר י ִהְּי" םי ִר ְּמֹוא ְּו ג ָּד ל ֶ ׁש ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו  ׁשאר םיִל ְּכֹוא ְּו ."ה ָּקּות ְּמּו  הָּבֹוט
              ןי ִרֹו ּ ק ֶ ׁש ן ָּּת ְּפִל יֵני ִמ ןיִל ְּכֹואו    ְּ  3 6   .בֹוט ר ֵתֹוי ,ֹשֶבֶּכ  ׁשאר אּוה ם ִא ְּו ."בָּנָּזְּל אל ְּו
              ּו ּב ְּרִּי ֶ ׁש ןֹוצ ָּר י ִהְּי" םי ִר ְּמֹוא ְּו ,יּו ּב ִר ןֹו ׁשְּל אּוה ֶ ׁש ,]תֶפֶל[ "  ןי ִבי ִר  " ֹוא    37  ]רֶזֶג[   ”      ןי ִרעמ  ” ֶ
              יֵני ִמ לָּכ ְּו ן ֵמ ָּ ׁש ר ָּשָּּב ןיִל ְּכֹואו    ְּ  39  .ץ ֶמֹח ְּב ןיִל ָּ ּ ׁשֻב ְּמ ַה םי ִרָּב ְּד ןיִל ְּכֹוא ןיאו    ֵ ְּ  38  ."ּוני ֵתֹוּיֻכְּז

              ןֵכָּל ְּו .בֹוט ן ָּמי ִסְּל לּכהו    ַ ְּ  41  ,'ּוכ "םיִנ ַמ ְּ ׁש ַמ ּול ְּכ ִא ּוכְּל"   ]'י 'ח הימחנ[   בי ִת ְּכ ִד ְּכ ,ה ָּקי ִת ְּמ
              הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ ,רּו ּס ִא ָּה ל ֶדֹּג דַבְּּ ל ִמ ,ּו ּ ל ֵא ָּה םי ִמָּּיַּב סע ְּכִי אּ ֶ ׁש דֹא ְּמ ר ֵהָּזִּי ֶ ׁש א ָּטי ִ ׁש ְּּפ
              םי ִשֲע ַמּו הָּבּו ׁש ְּת ַה ם ִע 'הַּב  ַחּוטָּבּו ֹו ּבִל ןֹוכָּנ ְּו ֹו ּבִל  ַח ֵמ ָּש הֶי ְּהִי ק ַר ,בֹוט ן ָּמי ִסְּל

              לַע ןי ִד ְּמֹול ה ֶשֲע ַמ י ֵ ׁשְּנאו    ַ ְּ  41  .ֹועיִנ ְּו ֹוחי ִכ םי ִב ְּר ַּמ ֶ ׁש ,םיִזֹוג ֱא ןיִל ְּכֹוא ןי ֵא ְּו .םי ִבֹוט
                                               42 :הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר תֶכ ֶּס ַמ ְּב ֶ ׁש תֹויָּנ ְּ ׁש ִמ םי ִק ָּר ְּּפ 'ד ן ָּחְּל ֻ ּ ׁש ַה
                                                       םדו רשב
              locally referred to as a ‘shunra’ or a ‘shinra’.   on Rosh Hashana, and that although it is a day
                                                           of judgement, we go home after davening and
              38.    The  source  of  this  tefilah  is  the   celebrate. The Beis Yosef  however also cites it
              Avudraham. As quote by the Beis Yosef, its full   as  a  source  that  one  should  eat  sweet  foods
              version  contains  the  name  of  Hashem  and   on Rosh Hashana, implying that sour ones are
              reads ...וניתובא יקלאו וניקלא ’ה ךינפלמ ןוצר יהי although   to be avoided.
              some omit  the names of Hashem and others
              replace it with  םימשבש  וניבא  ינפלמ  ןוצר  יהי. Either   41.   The  Kol  Bo  writes  that  some  people
              way,  one  should  stir  himself  to  teshuva  and   had the custom to avoid eating nuts on Rosh
              say  these  supplications  with  kavana.  (Shelah,   Hashana  since  the  numerical  value  of  egoz
              Elya Rabba)                                  (nut)  is  the  same  as  that  of  cheit  (sin).
                                                           Although  the  Rema  cites  both  reasons,  the
              39.    The custom to avoid sour foods dates   Chayei  Adam  here  follows  those  who
              back  to  the  period  of  the  Geonim  (Kaf   understand  that  they  should  be  avoided
              HaChayim),  and  some  are  careful  to  avoid   because they increase the amount of phlegm
              sour  foods  until  after  Simchas  Torah.  The   produced in the mouth and distract a person’s
              custom  however,  only  includes  foods  which   ability  to  focus  on  davening.  Accordingly,
              are sour, but not spicy or sharp foods.      other foods which present the same problem,
                                                           should also be avoided.
              40.    Nechemia  8:10.  The  Tur  cites  this
              posuk as the source for eating a festive meal   42.   The Mateh  Efraim writes that the four

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