Page 29 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 29

םדא               הנשה שאר תליפתו  הנשה שאר ליל ןיד  -     ט"לק ללכ       ייח

              ר ַמאי אלו    ְּ  21  .ף"ַכ ְּב אלְּו ת"יֵב ְּב "הֶל ְּכ ִת ן ָּ ׁשָּעֶּב" ר ַמאי "םי ִקי ִדַצ ןֵכ ְּבּו" ח ַסֹנ ְּבּו .תֹוב ֵּת
              ןֵכ ְּבּו" אָּּ ל ֶא ,"םי ִקי ִדַצ ז ָּא ְּו" ר ַמאי אלו    ְּ     22  ."ת ֶמֱא ך ְּרָּב ְּדּו" אָּּ ל ֶא "ת ֶמֱא ּונֵּכְּל ַמ ך ְּרָּב ְּדּו"
                                                                                       23    :‘ ּוכ "םי ִקי ִדַצ
              ,    ׁ שּו ּד ִּ קַּב ןֵכ ְּו תי ִב ְּרַע ְּב ף ַא "הָּעּור ְּת םֹוי" םי ִר ְּמֹוא ,לֹח ְּב הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר ל ָּח ֶשכ   ׁ ְּּ  ]ד[
              ןי ִע ְּקֹו ּת ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש י ִפְּל ,"הָּעּור ְּת ןֹור ְּכִז" תֹו ּ ל ִפ ְּת ַה לָּכ ְּב ֹוא  ׁשּו ּד ִּ קַּב ןיֵּב םי ִר ְּמֹוא תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּבּו
                                       21 :אָּצָּי ,הָּכ ָּר ְּב ַה םֵּי ִס ְּו ףיִלֱח ֶה ֶ ׁש דַבֲעי ִד ְּב םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכמּו   ִ    24 .תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב
              ר ַּתְּל ַאְּל ם ֵת ָּח ֵת ְּו ב ֵתָּּכת  "   ִּ    ֵב ֲחַל ד ָּח ֶא לָּּכ ר ַמֹול ןיִגֲהֹונ    2 6   הָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ַה ר ַח ַאל   ְּ  ]ה[
                                                                                     27 :"םי ִבֹוט םיִּי ַחְּל
                                                        םדו רשב
              that  one  who  davens  without  a  minyan  on   since  the  gemara  (Rosh  Hashana  16b)  says
              Rosh  Hashana  should  be  careful  to  defer   that the judgement of the righteous is written
              musaf  until  after  the  third  hour  of  the  day,   and  sealed  on  Rosh  Hashana,  and  a  person
              because  it  is  a  time  of  judgement.  Based  on   should  always  treat  others  as  if  they  are
              this,  the  Levush  and  Taz  say  that  one  should   perfectly   righteous.   The   Gra   however
              not wish his friend to be written for life after   disagrees.  Based  on  an  earlier  gemara  (Rosh
              this  time,  since  it  is  no  longer  the  time  for   Hashana  16a)  he  understands  that  nobody’s
              judgement.  The  Taz  does  however  write  that   verdict  is  sealed  until  Yom  Kippur,  as  our
              people should bless each other on the second   conduct  during  aseres  yemei  teshuva  is  what
              night  as  well,  since  it  is  also  Rosh  Hashana,   determines  whether  our  judgement  will  be
              and  potentially  the  true  day  of  judgement. כ    sealed  as  written  or  not.  The  gemara’s
              However,  since  the  gemara  in  one  approach   statement  that  righteous  people’s  judgement
              offers that while judgement occurs throughout   is  sealed  on  Rosh  Hashana  refers  to
              the morning, only that the first three hours it   determining  their  portion  of  olam  ha’ba,  but
              is with the midas ha’din, wishing one’s friend   with regards to his life, health, and parnasa in
              to be written for life is an appropriate blessing   this  world,  a  person’s  fate  is  not  sealed  until
              until chatzos.                               Yom  Kippur.    Although  the  Mishna  Berura
                                                           seems  to rule this way, the Aruch Hashulchan
              27.    The  Tur  and  Rema  write  that  it  is   rules  like  the  Magen  Avraham,  and  this  is
              customary for everyone to wish their friends    indeed   the   prevalent   custom.   Most
              that  they  should  be  written  for  a  good  year.   contemporary  machzorim  print  a  longer
              The Magen Avraham writes that it is best if he   version  of  this  beracha,  adding  that  one
              wishes  his  friend  to  be  written  and  sealed,   should be written and sealed for good life and

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