Page 30 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 30

Chayei Adam - K’lal 139 - The Laws of Rosh Hashana Night & Rosh Hashana Tefilos

              ]6[    When one comes home from shul, his table should already be set with the
              candles lit like any other yom tov  and he should make kiddush as described in
              hilchos yom tov K’lal 79 - the laws of kiddush.   Since it is the beginning of the
              year,   we  are  accustomed  to  eat  foods  which  allude  to  positive  things.   The
              custom in our place is to eat  a sweet apple,  and the best thing to do is to first
              recite a borei pri ha’eitz  and then eat a little of it  and then dip it into honey
                                                        םדו רשב
              peace, immediately.                          make no mention of such a hesitation. (See for
                                                           example the Chayei Adam 51:7 and the Mateh
              28.    Since it is like any other yom tov, as is   Efraim  600:6  who  discuss  the  halachic
              clear from siman 11 below and from Shulchan   challenges  of  eating  underdeveloped  grapes
              Aruch O.C. 597 regarding the daytime meal.     on the second night of Rosh Hashana.)

              29.    Chayei Adam’s note: I already wrote   30.    Although  it  is  the  second  of  Tishrei
              in hilchos berachos k’al 51:7 regarding our   many have the practice to eat the simanim the
              custom  to  use  grapes  for  a  shehechayanu,   second  night  as  well.  (Elya  Rabba,  Mateh
              but since we are not certain what the size of   Efraim) Others do not. (See Elef HaMagen)
              a  white  bean  is,  one  should  only  borei  pri
              ha’adama over them.                          31.    Chayei  Adam’s  note:  See  the
                   See below note 93  that one should try to   Ramban’s commentary to the beginning of
              have a new fruit on the second night of Rosh   parshas  Lech-Lecha  for  an  explanation  of
              Hashana,  to  ensure  that  his  beracha  of   this.  One  must  realize  that  all  decrees
              ‘shehecheyanu’  in  kiddush  is  not  l’vatala  (in   which have been issued in this world down
              vain). In Europe, grapes were a rare find and it   below  cannot  be  changed  whatsoever,  and
              was  common  to  try  to  get  some  for  the   this  appears  to  be  the  reason  why  Chazal
              second  night  of  Rosh  Hashana.  However,  the   say  that  ‘since  we  say  that  omens  are
              grapes   available   were   most    often    real…’
              underdeveloped and the  appropriate  beracha           The  gemara  (Krisus  5b)  teaches  that  one
              to  recite  on  them  was  therefore  borei  pri   who wishes to know if he will live out the next
              ha’adama  and  not  ha’eitz.  Accordingly,  the   year should light a candle in a house without
              Chayei Adam warns those who use them to be   windows and see if its light lasts. If he wants to
              sure  to  recite  the  appropriate  beracha  on   know  if  his  business  will  succeed,  he  should
              them.  Although  the  Gra  is  reported  to  have   raise a chicken and see how it develops, and
              shunned the practice of eating grapes on Rosh   he should look for his shadow in a dark house
              Hashana as it is reminiscent of Adam’s sin (in   to  see  if  he  will  return  home  safely  from  a
              that  according  to  the  Zohar,  the  tree  from   journey.  The  gemara  however  forbids  such
              which he ate was actually a vine), most poskim   conduct  because  it  will  be  discouraging.

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