Page 27 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 27

םדא               הנשה שאר תליפתו  הנשה שאר ליל ןיד  -     ט"לק ללכ       ייח

              ,לּכ ַה םֹ ׁשריו    ְּ ִ ְּ  14  , ׁשָּּב ֻ ׁש ְּמ הֶי ְּהִי אּ ֶ ׁש ֹו ּ ל ֶ ׁש תֹו ּ ל ִפ ְּת ר ֶד ֵס  ַּהיִּג ַהְּל ד ָּח ֶא לָּּכ ר ֵהָּזי   ִ  ]ג[
              ר ַמאי אל ןֵכָּלו    ְּ  16  ,תֹוּי ִתֹוא ח"מ תֹוי ְּהִל ךי ִרָּצ "ּונ ֵר ְּכָּז" ח ַסֹנב    ְּּ  11  .תֹוע ְּטִל אֹבָּי אּ ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ
              "םיִּי ַחְּל ּונ ֵר ְּכָּז" ר ֵמֹוא ֶ ׁש ְּכ ןֵכ ְּו ."םיִּי ַח רֶפ ֵס ְּב ּונֵב ְּתָּּכ" אָּּ ל ֶא "םיִּי ַח ַה רֶפ ֵס ְּב ּונֵב ְּתָּכ ְּו"
              אָּו ְּ ׁש ִב אָּּ ל ֶא ד" ֶמָּּ ל ַה ת ַח ַּת ח ָּּתַפ ְּב "םיִּי ַחַל" ר ַמאי אל ,"םיִּי ַחְּל" ר ֵמֹוא ֶ ׁש ְּכ םָּלֹועְּל ןֵכ ְּו
              םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,קּו ּד ְּק ִד י ִּפ לַע ח ָּּתַפ ְּב 'ל ַה םי ִר ְּמֹוא הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה לָּכ ְּב ִד בַּג לַע ף ַאד    ְּ ּ  17  ,"םיִּי ַחְּל"

               ׁש ֵּ קַב ְּמ ִד ר ַמֹול ן ָּט ָּ ּש ַה לַכּוי אּ ֶ ׁש ,ל"ַּנַּכ ר ַמֹול ןי ִכירצ    ִ ְּ  18  ,ןי ִדַּב ןיִיּול ְּת ֶ ׁש ּו ּ ל ֵא םי ִמָּי ְּב
              ֹומ ְּכ" ר ַמאי אל    1 9   "ך ְּד ְּחַ ּפ ן ֵּת" ח ַסֹנ ְּבּו .אל ַע ֵּמ ַּת ְּ ׁש ִמ ד" ֶמָּּ לַּב ח ָּּתַפ ְּד ,םיִּי ַח אל
              ב ַתָּּכ רּוט ְּבּו .ןֵכ ְּבּו תַב ֵּת ִמ ץּוח תֹוב ֵּת ב"מ ּולֲעַּי ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ ",    ֹומ ְּכ" גֵּ ל ַדי ִו ,"ּונ ְּע ַדָּּי ֶ ׁש
               21  ד"מ  ׁשֵי הֶזָּּב י ִכ ",    ְּכ" תַב ֵּת קֹח ְּמִל ןי ֵא הֶז י ִפְּל ,תֹוב ֵּת ד"מ  ׁשֵי "ןֵכ ְּבּו" ח ַסֹּנַּב ֶ ׁש
                                                        םדו רשב
              68  letters  and  the  Beis  Yosef  struggles  to   18.    Every night at Maariv (in the beracha
              understand  how.  Our  version  in  fact  has  50   of   hashkiveinu)   we   beseech   Hashem
              letters. Removing the ‘vav’ (and) as the Chayei   “v’haamideinu la’chaim” - that we should rise
              Adam goes on to say, would only reduce it to   to  life.  It  seems  that  the  days  between  Rosh
              49. וט   Practically,  one  should  recite  the   Hashana  and  Yom  Kippur  are  no  exception,
              customary  version  as  printed  in  the  machzor   perhaps  because  it  is  a  beracha  and  not  a
              and sidur.                                   tefilah  per  se.   However,  the  Pri  Megadim
                                                           actually  recommends  adjusting  the  beracha
              17.    The gemara (Nedarim 11a) says that if   accordingly during this ten day period.
              someone  declares  that  an  animal  should  be     19.   These  three  sections  which  begin
              “la’chulin” as opposed to “l’chulin” (designated   ‘v’chein  tein  pachdecha’  are  added  to
              as  not  sanctified)  this  could  understood  to   shemoneh  esrei  on  Rosh  Hashana  and  Yom
              mean “lo chulin” that it is not unsanctified, but   Kippur to correspond to the three berachos of
              rather  is  sanctified  as  a  korban  and  would   malchuyus, zichronos, and shofaros (Beis Yosef).
              constitute a vow. Based on this, the Maharam
              Mi’Rottenburg warns against saying ‘la’chaim’,   20.   These 44 words correspond to the 44
              which  although  more  grammatically  correct,   words  in  Zechariah  (8:20-22)  which  speak  of
              might sound like ‘lo chaim’ and that he is G-d   the nations of the world approaching Hashem
              forbid  asking  for  ‘not  life’.  (Tur)    The  Mishna   to beseech Him, which mirrors our request in
              Berura cites this as a practical ruling.     the words of ‘v’chein tein pachdecha’ (Tur).  It
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