Page 26 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 26
Chayei Adam - K’lal 139 - The Laws of Rosh Hashana Night & Rosh Hashana Tefilos
]3[ One should be careful to ensure that his tefilos are organized and correct.
He should mark everything so that he doesn’t come to err. In the addition of
‘zachreinu’ there should be 48 letters and therefore he should not say “and write
us in the book of life” but rather “write us in the book of life”. Similarly, then he
adds “zachrei l’chaim” (remember us for life) or any other time he says “for life” he
should be careful to say םיִּי ַחְּל and not םיִּי ַחַל with a ‘patach [vowel]’ under the
lamed, but rather with a ‘sheva [vowel]’. Even though the rest of the year we
follow the rules of grammar and pronounce the ‘lamed’ with a patach vowel
nevertheless, during these days when our lives hang in judgment, one should
say [l’chayim] as above so that it shouldn’t sound like םיִּי ַח אל [meaning no life]
and then the Satan might say that he is asking for no life. In the section of “tein
pachdecha”, one should not say ‘like we know’ but rather ‘we know’ so that there
should be only forty-two words after ‘v’chein’. However, the Tur’s version
contains forty-four words. Accordingly, one should not omit the word ‘like’ so
םדו רשב
accordingly. Although it seems that one who rely on this opinion. The Chayei Adam here is
davens out loud to increase his kavana may taking a more stringent approach, perhaps
rely on the Mishna Berura, this is only because, as explained in the next note, some
provided he does not disturb others around preparation is called for.
him. If he davens in a tzibur that davens
silently, then davening a little louder will 15. In order to minimize printing costs,
disturb the entire congregation and is clearly the earlier siddurim and machzorim did not
forbidden. reprint frequently recited tefilos at every point
they were said. For example, a weekday
14. A person must prepare his tefilah shemoneh esrei might appear only once, in
before he davens. This however only refers to shacharis and mincha might simply consist of
irregular tefilos which are recited infrequently directives to say ashrei on page such and such,
i.e. have not been said in the last 30 days. The shemoneh esrei from page such and such (as
Rabeinu Manoach however understands that printed in shacharis), etc. Accordingly,
advance preparation is only required if the davening involved a lot of page flipping and
tefilah is recited from memory; one who the Chayei Adam therefore recommends
davens from a siddur or machzor need not marking the pages in advance.
prepare it in advance, and the Rema explains
that our custom is not to prepare because we 16. The Tur writes that there should be