Page 24 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 24
Chayei Adam - K’lal 139 - The Laws of Rosh Hashana Night & Rosh Hashana Tefilos
he should say the beginning and end of each beracha while standing erect.
However, now that people are generally weak, it is better to daven standing
straight with a bent heart and proper concentration, for Hashem doesn’t want a
person to bend his head if his heart doesn’t follow. 9
]2[ Although the poskim write that it is permitted to daven [the silent
shemoneh esrei] a little bit out loud on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur,
nevertheless, anyone who is God fearing should daven quietly just as he does
the rest of the year, for the Zohar writes that if one raises his voice so that it is
loud enough that his friend can hear his tefilah, his prayer isn’t heard above.
Therefore, everyone should be careful with this, and especially because even
those who are lenient only permitted raising one’s voice slightly, but not to
scream and shout like the masses. 13
םדו רשב
follow the formula of ‘boruch atah Hashem’ 10. The posuk (Shmuel Alef 1:13) tells us
and one might think it is like the middle of a that when Chana davened, she spoke to her
beracha (Mishna Berura). י heart, but moved her lips, and yet her voice
was not heard. The gemara (Berachos 24b)
8. The Levush however disagrees and learns that while a person must enunciate his
understands that there is no requirement for words when davening, he should not say them
one who is already bowing to stand erect for out loud. Most poskim understand this to
the other berachos. He argues that this is mean that one should not daven loudly
especially true during these days when we enough for others to hear, but his words
bow before Hashem to plead for our should in fact be audible to himself, and the
lives. Practically though, he concedes to the ruling of Shulchan Aruch follows this
ruling of the Tur and the Shulchan Aruch. understanding. They understand that the main
9. The Chayei Adam’s recommendation reason to daven quietly is so as not to disturb
to daven erect as one would all year long is a others. Accordingly, one who is davening
logical conclusion in light of the fact that alone, may daven out loud if his intention is to
adhering to the halachos as just described, will arouse himself to more kavana בי (Shulchan
likely heavily detract on one’s focus and Aruch). If however this is not his intention,
concentration of the meaning of the words then it is frowned upon by all opinions
themselves. See also Biur HaGra who seems to because he demonstrates belief that Hashem
indicate that the custom of bowing is without cannot hear him without davening at a high
basis. volume. The Tur however cites a Tosefta that