Page 25 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 25
םדא הנשה שאר תליפתו הנשה שאר ליל ןיד - ט"לק ללכ ייח
לֵּ לַ ּפ ְּת ִהְּל בֹוט ר ֵתֹוי ,םָּלֹועָּל ה ָּ ׁשְּל ֻח ה ָּד ְּרָּּי ֶ ׁש ר ַח ַא ֵמ םָּנ ְּמאו ָּ ְּ 8 .הָּפי ִקְּז ִב ר ַמאּי ֶ ׁש
ֹו ׁשאר ןֹומ ְּג ֶא ְּכ ףֹכָּל 'הַל ץֶפ ֵח ןי ֵא י ִכ ,הָּיּוצ ְּר הָּנָּוַכ ְּבּו ףּופָּּכ בֵל ְּו םי ִפּוקְּז םי ִרָּבי ֵא ְּב
9 :ֹו ּמ ִע לַּב ֹו ּבִל ְּו
לֹוק ְּב לֵּ לַ ּפ ְּת ִהְּל ר ָּּת ֻמ רּו ּפ ִכ םֹוי ְּו הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה ׁשאר ְּב ִד םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ ַה ּוב ְּתָּּכ ֶ ׁש בַּג לַע ףא ַ ]ב[
א ָּתי ִא י ִכ ,הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה לָּכ ְּב ֹומ ְּכ ׁש ַחַל ְּב לֵּ לַ ּפ ְּתִי ,'ה רַב ְּדִל א ֵרָּי לָּּכ 11 םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ 11 ,טַע ְּמ
ןי ֵא יַזֲא ,ֹותָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ַעמ ְּ ׁשִל לֹוכָּי ֹורֵבֲח ֶ ׁש ד ַע ךָּּכ לָּּכ ֹולֹוק ַּהי ִב ְּג ַמ ם ִא ֶ ׁש ]א,טר א"ח[ 12 ר ַהּזַּב
םָּני ֵא ןי ִרי ִת ַּמ ַה םַּג ֶ ׁש ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש לָּּכ ִמּו ,הֶזָּּב ר ֵהָּזִי ם ָּד ָּא לָּּכ ןֵכָּל ְּו ,הָּל ְּע ַמְּל תַע ַמ ְּ ׁשִנ ֹותָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ּ
13 :תֹולֹוק ְּו תֹוקָּע ְּצ ִב ןֹומ ָּה ֶה ןי ִשֹוע ֶ ׁש ֹומ ְּכ אל ,טַע ְּמ ֹולֹוק ַּהי ִב ְּג ַהְּל אָּּ ל ֶא םי ִרי ִת ַמ
םדו רשב
rules that one should not be able to hear his front of them (which is not necessarily the
own voice either. Although the Tana d’bei case throughout the year) one may daven out
Eliyahu echoes this approach, the Gra rejects loud in order to better concentrate (Taz).
this, asserting that the Tosefta’s reading is a Many poskim (the Gra himself, Aruch
textual error and, most likely, so is that of the Hashulchan, Chayei Adam) however, reject this
Tana D’vei Eliyahu. The opinion of the approach. See however the Mishna Berura
mekubalim (Zohar, Arizal) however, is that who seems to accept it but warns that one
shemoneh esrei must be silent. shouldn’t daven too loudly.
11. The gemara (Rosh Hashana 35a) rules 12. Zohar Vol 1 209a. This refers to one
that one may fulfill his obligation of davening who davens out loud. It seems however that
musaf on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur by although the mekubalim maintain that one
listening to the shaliach tzibur, because they should not even hear himself, one would
are “avshi”. Although Rashi understands ’avshi’ nevertheless fulfill his obligation and
to mean that since there are nine berachos presumably his tefilah will be heard. The
instead of seven, one can rely on listening to Chayei Adam here certainly understands so,
the chazan, others (Tosfos ha’Rosh and the for in K’lal 22 he rules that one should daven
Aruch) explain that since people would daven loud enough to hear himself, but yet here,
out loud, it was hard to concentrate, and so, if cites the Zohar’s criticism of one who davens
one wishes, he may rely on the chazan’s out loud.
repetition. The Biur HaGra understands this
latter explanation as the basis for the custom. 13. The practiced custom varies between
Since nowadays everyone has a machzor in communities and one should conduct himself