Page 90 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 90
Chayei Adam - K’lal 141 - Laws of the Tekiahs & Berachos & Who is Obligated In Them
women, he should have in mind not to fulfill his obligation with the tekiahs in shul
and then after he will be able to go and say the beracha before blowing for the
women. Even though he will return to hear the blasts of the shofar during the
chazan’s repetition, he doesn’t need to repeat the beracha since it is all one
mitzva and the interruption does not disrupt this. A person should not blow
shofar privately during the first three hours of the day because then Hashem sits
in judgment, as we have written above regarding tefilah. Rather he should either
blow shofar at the same time as they blow in shul, or blow after three hours have
passed. If a woman needs to eat in the morning, she should eat before hearing
shofar, because she is really exempt, and even though they accepted it as an
obligation, nevertheless, in case of pain or illness, one could argue that this wasn’t
included in their acceptance. 48
םדו רשב
understands the mishna to imply that women not obligated to blow shofar. Accordingly, he
may not blow a shofar on yom tov, since with recommends that women who can’t come to
the exception of for the purpose of fulfilling a shul should have a man come and blow the
mitzva, it is forbidden. Yet, a beraisa seems to shofar for them before shofar is blown in shul.
indicate that it is in fact permitted. To resolve This way, he will fulfill his own obligation as
this contradiction, the gemara answers that well. The Levush echoes this suggestion,
the mishna follows the opinion of R’ Yehuda however, the Maharil takes issue with it since
who forbids women from doing ‘semicha’ he will likely blow shofar during the first three
when bringing a korban; since semicha hours of the day, while the force of judgment
involves leaning on the animal which is akin to is stronger. Instead, the Magen Avraham
using a consecrated animal for a mundane suggests blowing shofar for them at the same
purpose. The beraisa however, follows the time as the shofar is being blown is shul. This
opinion of R’ Yossi and R’ Shimon who permit way, it will be considered like he is blowing
women to do semicha, and would likewise with the tzibur.
permit them to blow shofar. Most rishonim The Pri Chadash also contends that a man
understand that the halacha follows this may not blow shofar for a woman after he has
opinion and women may in fact blow shofar, fulfilled his obligation. He argues that even
and a man may also blow shofar for her. women were only permitted to put their arms
The Baal Ha’Itur however writes that once a around the korban in a way which only looked
man has already fulfilled his obligation, he like, but wasn’t, using the animal. This doesn’t
may not blow shofar for a woman since she is apply to the ban against blowing shofar