Page 94 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 94
Chayei Adam - K’lal 141 - Laws of the Tekiahs & Berachos & Who is Obligated In Them
same is true of the 30 blasts [blown] after davening. Nevertheless, the tefilos
and piyutim are not considered an interruption between the tekios. However,
between the beracha and the [first] tekiah, they would be considered an
interruption unless he spoke about a matter which was necessary for the beracha
such as “bring me a shofar” or something similar as explained above in Vol. 1 k’lal
5. There is no difference in this matter between the one who blows and the one
who hears it, and even if the listener spoke between the beracha and the first
tekiah he must repeat the beracha. B’dieved, if one spoke between tekios, he does
not need to repeat the beracha as it is all one mitzva and it is not like speaking
between the tefillin [of the arm] and the tefillin [of the head] which are two
mitzvos. 59
]10[ The chazan may blow the tekios d’meyushav, meaning the ones blown
before musaf, but technically he shouldn’t blow the ones during the chazan’s
repetition so that he doesn’t get confused. However, one who davens from a
םדו רשב
interrupted between the beracha and the silent shemoneh esrei as well). The geonim
mitzva and must repeat the beracha. This is warn against speaking then as well, although
true of the one listening to the shofar as well. the Ran wonders why this should be. The Taz
Once the first blast of the shofar has been explains that although one may have
blown, the mitzva has begun, but one may not technically already fulfilled his obligation, the
speak since he hasn’t fulfilled it yet. Although main tekios are the ones blown during musaf,
speaking between placing tefillin on one’s arm although for several reasons (see below K’lal
and on his head necessitates a new beracha, 142) Chazal instituted blowing before musaf
that is because they are considered two as well. Moreover, he explains, that one
separate mitzvos. The nine blasts of the shofar should never interrupt the performance of a
is a single Torah obligation, while the mitzva, just like we find regarding bedikas
remaining blasts are either to ensure the chometz. (See K’lal 119:19).
mitzva is fulfilled properly (see K’lal 142) or by
rabbinic enactment. Once the tekios before 56. The reason for this is unclear and is
musaf are finished one has technically fulfilled not cited by the Mishna Berura. Nevertheless,
his obligation, although they will be repeated the prevalent custom is to refrain from
in stages during the chazan’s repetition of speaking until after the final blasts of the
musaf (or, in some congregations during the shofar. Either way, since one may not speak