Page 95 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 95
םדא ןהב בייחש ימו תוכרבהו תועיקתה ןיד - א “ מק ללכ ייח
ןיֵּב ק ֵס ְּפ ֶה י ֵר ְּּ ק ִמ אָּל ,םי ִטּוּי ִּפ ַה ְּו תֹו ּ ל ִפ ְּת ר ֶד ֵס םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכמּו ִ 1 6 .הָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ַה ר ַח ַאְּל
רז ֲחַל ךי ִרָּצ ְּו ק ֵס ְּפ ֶה יֵוֲה הָּּ ל ִפ ְּת ַה ר ֶד ֵס ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ,הָּעי ִק ְּתַל הָּכ ָּר ְּב ןיֵּב לָּבא ֲ 17 .תֹועי ִק ְּת ַה
ֹו ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו "רָּפֹו ׁש ּואי ִב ָּה" ןֹוג ְּכ הָּכ ָּר ְּב ַה ך ֶרֹצְּל אּוה ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ְּב ח ָּש ןֵּכ ם ִא אָּּ ל ֶא ,ך ֵרָּבְּלּו
ַע ֵמֹו ּ ׁש ַה ח ָּש ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ַד ,ַע ֵמֹו ּ ׁש ַה ֹוא ך ֵרָּב ְּמ ַה ןיֵּב הֶז לָּכ ְּב קּו ּ ל ִח ןיאו ֵ ְּ 18 .'ה לָּל ְּכ לי ֵעְּל ִד ְּכּו
ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ,תֹועי ִק ְּת ַה ןיֵּב ח ָּ ּש ֶ ׁש דַבֲעי ִד ְּבּו .ך ֵרָּבְּלּו רז ֲחַל ךי ִרָּצ ,הָּכ ָּר ְּבַל הָּעי ִק ְּת ַה ןיֵּב
ם ָּת ָּה ְּד ,ןיִּ ל ִפ ְּתִל ןיִּ ל ִפ ְּת ןיֵּב ח ָּשְּל ה ֶמֹו ּד ֹוני ֵא ְּו .אי ִה ת ַח ַא הָּו ְּצ ִמ לּכ ַה ְּד ,ך ֵרָּבְּלּו רז ֲחַל
19 : תֹו ְּצ ִמ 'ב ם ֵה
לָּבֲא .ַעֹק ְּתִל ץ" ַ ּ ׁש ַה ר ָּתֹומ ,ף ָּסּומ ןיִלְּּ לַ ּפ ְּת ִּמ ֶ ׁש ם ֶדֹק ּונְּי ַה ְּד ,ב ָּ ּ ׁשֻי ְּמ תֹועי ִק ְּתב ִּ ]י[
61 .לֵּבְּלַּב ְּתִי אּ ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ ַעֹק ְּתִל ץ" ַ ּ ׁש ַהְּל רּוס ָּא אָּני ִד ִמ ,תֹוכ ָּר ְּב ַה ר ֶד ֵס לַע ֶ ׁש תֹועי ִק ְּת ַה
םדו רשב
during davening, the only practical relevance one should not defer such berachos, but rather
of this is for one who leaves the shul in the say them immediately.
58. See there siman 11 that there is a
57. Rema. The reason for this is because fundamental difference between speaking
once some of the tekios were blown, speaking after the beracha but before one has begun to
is not considered an absolute interruption and eat or perform the mitzva, and speaking once
is similar to talking in the middle of a meal, he began to eat etc. If one speaks before the
although speaking about matters not beracha has a chance to take effect (i.e. before
pertaining to the davening or tekios is highly he eats or starts the mitzva), he must recite a
discouraged because it detracts from the new beracha unless he spoke about
mitzva, as above (note 55). (Machtzis Hashekel, something directly connected to it. Even then,
Aruch Hashulchan) See however the Pnei one should avoid speaking if at all possible.
Yehoshua (Rosh Hashana 34b) who writes that
all of the tekios are considered one mitzva. 59. See note 55, above.
Accordingly, the Daas Torah (502) argues that
tefilos which are unrelated to the Rosh 60. The mishna (Rosh Hashana 32b) uses
Hashana davening, such as asher yatzar after an odd wording when telling us that the
using the bathroom, should not be recited. shofar is blown during musaf. Rav Hai Gaon
The consensus of the poskim however is that understands that it was worded so deliberately